Administrative Rule 1045-01
Standards of Employee Conduct
To express 博天堂官方’s expectations for employee interpersonal conduct in the course and scope of college business.
In accordance with Board Policy 1045, Standards of Conduct, certain fundamental standards characterize the institution in which we work, and guide us in the accomplishment of our shared mission. Those standards include respecting the dignity and worth of each individual, engaging in open and honest communication, fostering teamwork and cooperation, and providing an environment that both encourages and protects the expression of diverse ideas and solutions. Employees should endeavor to work together, and with students, in a manner which reflects these standards. To uphold our college values of inclusiveness and engagement, and in order to maintain an effective work and learning environment, employees are expected to consistently treat each other, staff, students and other guests in a respectful manner.
Employee behavior that involves forms of unlawful discrimination or harassment based on a protected status under state or federal law is covered under 博天堂官方’s Nondiscrimination & Non-harassment Policy (AR 1015-01). Complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment against employees should be directed to 博天堂官方’s Executive Director of Human Resources/Title IX Officer.
Addressing Conduct Concerns and Seeking Resolution
If staff or students believe they have been subjected to employee behavior contrary to the expectations stated above, they are encouraged, when appropriate, to ask the employee engaging in the behavior to stop. If they do not believe themselves capable, or if they have already made such a request and the behavior has continued, they may report the incident to the employee’s immediate supervisor. If they are not capable/comfortable reporting the matter to the immediate supervisor, they may contact the supervisor’s manager or Human Resources.
Reports of behavior under this rule should be taken seriously by the recipient, and resolution should be pursued as promptly as is reasonably possible. A complaint recipient should acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five business days.
The college will determine violations of this rule taking into account the facts of an individual instance, and will consider what a “reasonable person” would deem to be behavior in violation of the expectations. Serious or repeated failure to honor these standards may be cause for either corrective coaching or formal disciplinary action. In these cases, the level of response will be determined by the college on a case-by-case basis depending upon the severity of the behavior(s), subject to individual collective bargaining agreements (where applicable).
Upon completion of follow up actions, the responsible responder should advise the person who made the report that the matter has been reviewed and addressed.
5/15/06, 4/6/10, 10/4/12, 1/5/17, 5/2/19, 5/15/23
10/4/12, 1/5/17, 5/2/19, 5/15/23